Jaipur under SBWF2012 |
Då jag hittade den i Galateas monter så blev det "love at first taste", minst sagt. I december 2012 så blogg-recenserade jag den. Under en period så var den väldigt vanligt förekommande i mitt flöde på Untappd, trots att första tickningen där inte skedde förrän i november samma år. Sedan dess har jag reggat den på Untappd ytterligare 26 gånger (senast i augusti 2016), med största sannolikhet den öl som jag tickat flest gånger! Och allt som oftast med gott betyg.
2013 så var jag på en provning med Thornbridge-öl på Bishops Arms på Folkungagatan. Där medverkade två medarbetare från bryggeriet, Alex Buchanan och Matthew Clark. Då förekom inte Jaipur, däremot dök det upp en annan favorit, Heather Honey Imperial Stout.
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Alf och Alex Buchanan, BA-Folkis 2013 (foto av Tobia Göth) |
Numer har Thornbridge hamnat lite i bakvattnet, missförstå mig rätt, det gör fortfarande god öl men jag har hittat andra minst lika goda öl och spännande bryggerier. Sen har tillgängligheten för deras öl här i Sverige varit lägre på sistone.
Bryggeriet importeras numera av Bier & Co och det är i deras monter jag återigen dricker Jaipur under årets SBWF. Där lyckas jag även få kontakt med Zoi och genom henne bokar jag ett möte med James Buchanan.
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James Buchanan |
James sköter export och marknadsföringen på bryggeriet, under årets festival så håller han dessutom en Master Class. Jag får genom Zoi möjlighet att sitta ned med James under tidiga fredagseftermiddagen.
Vi pratar initialt om mina första kontakter med Jaipur och jag nämner även mina tidigare möten med bryggeriets utsända. Under samtalet så avnjuter jag deras Session IPA, AM/PM, som vann pris under festivalen.
Alf Tycker Om Öl (ATOÖ); I met a brewery-representative called Alex Buchanan a couple of years ago, any relations?
James Buchanan (JABU); He is my father. Was that at the tasting at BrewDog Stockholm?
ATOÖ; No, the year before at Bishops Arms.
ATOÖ; In 2014, I did attend the tasting at BrewDog Stockholm, with three (3) brewery-reps, amongst them I believe was your current brew master Rob Lowat!?
JABU; Yes, that would be correct.
ATOÖ; Matthew Clark don't work at Thornbridge any longer?
JABU; No, he has started working at a different, smaller brewery.
ATOÖ; I have a special interest for Organic food in general and organic beer, I don't believe I've ever seen any organic beer from Thornbridge? Do you use any organic ingredients in your brewing process?
JABU; No organic beers from Thornbridge so far, nor do we generally use any organic ingredients.
ATOÖ; The Interest for organic products are rising, consumer awareness and the number of organic beer that is being produce in increasing.
Why don't Thornbridge produce any organic beer?
JABU; Never had that much of a demand for it really.
ATOÖ; The BIG trend within the beer-industry and among many beer-consumer and producers in Sweden right now is beer with low abv, less than 3.6% down as to alcohol free beer. And Session-beers are also in high demand.
JABU; Thornbridge regularly produces four beer with abv under 4%. Black Harry 3.9%, Lumford 3.9% and Made North 3.8% are all available in cask, so is Wild Swan. Wild Swan is also available in bottle. And several beers between 4-5% abv.
ATOÖ; Over the years since I first discovered Thornbridge you have made some very nice collaboration beers. Imperial Raspberry Stout with Jessica Heydrich/S:t Eriks, Twin Peaks when Steve Grossman came over from Sierra Nevada. Last year I was very pleased to try Serpent, your collaboration with Brooklyn Brewery, using Brett-yeast from Oliver's Cider and Perry.
JABU; Twin Peaks is still available in keg, but the others are long gone. But we have several collaboration beers.
The Fuller’s & Friends line, one Fuller’s brewer collaborating with six brewers from different breweries, Cloudwater, Fourpure, Hardknott, Marble Beers, Moor and Thornbridge. Creating six new collaborations in varied styles from dry hoped lager to New England IPA. It will be packaged together, exclusive to Waitrose .
The beer from Thornbridge is called Flora and the Griffin, a 7 % Red Rye Ale. Brewed with spicy rye.
This mix-pack will be available later this year in time for Christmas, only in the UK.
We hav special partnership with Sheffield Wednesday Football Club and have created their official beer!
It will be available on cask at the stadium for all home matches and
coming soon in bottles. The Wednesday is a light, citrusy and
easy-drinking pale ale.
ATOÖ; I've read some disturbing news about
the "death of the British pub". Heineken buying a large chain of
corporate-pubs (now owning a total of 3000 pubs). Many of the previous regular
guests now prefers to buy bottles/cans at the supermarket, for a much lower price.
In Sweden, people has always complained about how expensive it is to eat and drink in restaurants and pubs. And now the pubs are growing in number and in exclusiveness, much related to the growing Swedish craftbeer-scene, both in production and in consumption.
You used to have 12 brewery pubs (in 2013), how many do you run now?
JABU; A total of seven pubs, six of them in Sheffield and one in the Netherlands.
ATOÖ; Why the Netherlands?
JABU; Big export market for Thornbridge, good contacts with our importer (the headquarters of Bier & Co is in Amsterdam).
ATOÖ; Do you only serve your own beers at your pubs?
JABU; No, primarily our beers obviously, mixed with some local British brews.
ATOÖ; How do you think Brexit will affect your export market? (Master Class-question)
JABU; Hopefully not at all. Obviously, the EU has a big share of our export market. Other countries are Russia, USA, Thailand, China, Hong Kong and others.
ATOÖ; I've come to love Real Ale, not all that easily accessible in Sweden, only a very few pubs nationwide serve actual Real Ale (only two pubs have the official Cask Marque). I have only tried one of your beers, Jaipur, in that form. How much RA do you produce.
JABU; Our products are divided over 50% bottles, and 25% each of Keg and Cask/Real Ale. We would like to increase the amount of Real Ale.
ATOÖ; There has been a lot of brewery
buy-ups from big companies over the world market. Is Thornbridge your own
JABU; Yes! Still the same two
persons, Jim Harrison and Simon Webster, who owns Thornbridge Brewery.
ATOÖ; One last question, about
Flora. Have ever had any problems with censorship since putting this beautiful
but semi naked lady on your labels?
JABU; No, not in Sweden or any other
Under fredagens Master Class så fick jag och några till deltagare testa fyra stycken standardöl från Thornbridge - AM/PM Session IPA, Jaipur IPA, Halycion IIPA och S:t Petersburg Imperial Stout. Alla bra öl, även om jag gärna hellre sett Cocoa Wonderland Chocolate Porter som fjärde öl. Som femte och sista öl så dök den så slutligen upp, provningens bästa öl.
Days of Creation är en fatlagrad Sour Red Ale som har legat på Bourgognefat i över ett (1) år med hallon och har en abv på 7%. Den ljuvliga doften av raspberrys är överväldigande och den finns givetvis också med i smaken, där den får en precis lagom touch av körsbär. En för mig lagom nivå av surhet uppskattar jag också, i mitt minne dyker det upp en Sour Brown Ale som var med vid BrewDog-provningen 2014.
Days of Creation fanns förra veckan tillfälligt tillgänglig i TSE, men under tiden som jag jobbat på detta inlägg så har websaldot gått ner på noll. Det finns i nuläget drygt 300 flaskor på Systembolaget, fördelade över 11 butiker.
Bland övriga Thornbridge-produkter så i nuläget åtta stycken olika öl tillgängliga utöver ovan nämnda. Men på dessa öl, bland annat Jaipur, så är det kollitvång, minst tolv flaskor måste beställas. Några av dem finns ute i några enstaka och geografiskt spridda butiker, använd sökfunktionen på systembolagets hemsida för att se vad du eventuellt kan hitta.
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