onsdag 21 september 2022

Inför SBWF2022 - James Buchanan svarar på några frågor


Under festivalen 2017 så träffade och intervjuade jag James Buchanan som jobbar som Export manager på Thornbridge Brewery.

James Buchanan, SBWF2017 

Till årets festival så ingår han i Wicked Wines UK-Trippel, 3 stycken bryggerirepresentanter som besöker Stockholms största ölfestival..

Jag skickade några frågor till James och fick dessa svar. 

              Alf Tycker Om Öl; What has been going on with Thornbridge since last we met (autumn 2017)?

James Buchanan Thornbridge; Lots! We have been doing much more beer into can formats and a few hundred seasonal beers since we last talked! Recently our Necessary Evil just won Best Barrel Aged Beer in the World at the World Beer Awards https://www.worldbeerawards.com/winner-beer/beer/2022/worlds-best-flavoured-beer-world-beer-awards-2022

              ATOÖ; We spoke about Brexit, you weren’t to worry about it then – how has It worked out so far?

JBT; We make it work

              ATOÖ; Sustainability and organic – climate changes is a rising subject. How do you work to minimize your footprint in mother nature? Do your brew any organic beers?

JBT; We have appointed a sustainability lead, working with other breweries to see what they do and implementing this across our departments. We are working on a number of different projects with our water and C02 and also re-use all spent hops and grain ourselves.

              ATOÖ; Production size – do you produce as much, or more, beer as you did 5 years ago?

JBT; Cask, Keg, Bottles/Cans? We do, in all formats

              ATOÖ; How much do you export? Sweden?

JBT; Sweden is a great growing market for us with Wicked Wine.

              ATOÖ; Any collaborations planned – post-pandemic (almost)? I’d love to see a collaboration with some of our Swedish brewers.

JBT; Always some in the pipeline, just having released them with Pomona Island and Fierce Brewery, lots to come!

Many thanks to James for your answers, looking forward to meeting you again during the festival!

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